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Drake of the South Wind (Al'Akir mount)

Drake of the South Wind

Drake of the South Wind is a flying mount added in the first Cataclysm patch. It is obtained from Al'Aki in the raid Throne of the Four Winds with 1% drop chance. However, if you don't want to do this raid every week and farming this mount, your best option would be to buy Reins of the Drake of the South Wind mount boost and we will do it for you and get this vehicle. 

Drake of the South Wind farm includes:

  1. Different options to farm rare mount - Reins of the Drake of the South Wind:
    • pay-per-run farm (you select the number of runs w/o mount guarantee);
    • guaranteed farm (we do an indefinite number of runs till it drops);
    • guaranteed buyout from Black Market without using your gold.
  2. Transmogrification from Throne of the Four Winds.
  3. Essence of the Forlorn currency to buy any Tier 11 transmog.
  4. We use our own gold.
  5. 95% bidding winrate on the Black Market.
  6. Free 1-70 leveling to access Black Market (only for BMAH method).

Boost takes:

  • 3-6 months on average (regular farm);
  • 2-8 weeks to get from BMAH.

Drake of the South Wind carry duration purely depends on luck. However, we recommend having at least 4-5 high-level characters to kill Al'Akir every week. It speeds up the service.

Important: In case you pick the number of Al'Akir runs and this drake is looted before the limit is reached, we will use the remaining fee for unused tries as a credit for another service of your choice. 


  • 45+ level;
  • no gear requirements.

Requirements (BMAH buyout):

  • second sub-account with Dragonflight (f.e WoW 2) on the same battle-net;
  • NO need to have ANY gold on your account;
  • instant character 70 lvl boost purchased;
  • this service is piloted only.

Even though WoW Drake of the South Wind looks very similar to other storm drakes, it is still a good addition to your collection as it has a darker and cooler color texture.

BMAH Drake of the South Wind For Sale

The way we will get your Al'Akir from Black Market is quite easy.

How it works:

  1. You need to create another account (f.e. WoW 2) within your battle-net account.
  2. Any Dragonflight edition and game time purchased.
  3. Order 3 Character Transfers bundle via in-game shop.
  4. Our team will start hunting for the desired mount on 20+ different realms.
  5. When an item pops up on any server, we will transfer there.
  6. We will start bidding on the item and win it on the first try with a ~95% chance.
  7. If we lose the bidding, we will repeat steps 4-6 steps.

Using this method we will loot Reins of the Drake of the South Wind mount much faster than relying only on a random 1% drop from Al'Akir. We have characters on all low-popular realms so we know where and when the mount appears. We do everything on your separate account, so there are no risks of losing anything.

In case you still have questions before buying South Wind Drake from Al'Akir, feel free to contact us in an online chat. We work 24/7 and our managers are ready to answer all your questions.

Drake of the South Wind