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Gurubashi Arena Grand Master — Defending Champion Trinket

Gurubashi Arena Grand Master

Gurubashi Arena Grand Master boost is a service for hunting Arena Treasure Chest a total of 13 times for the Short John Mithril's quest. It rewards players with Gurubashi Arena Grand Master achievement as well as the Defending Champion trinket.

Our Gurubashi Arena boost will get the Defending Champion heirloom trinket by conquering the Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale 12 times. We will loot the treasure chest, complete the Arena Grandmaster achievement, and then loot the Arena Treasure Chest 12 more times for the Grand Master.

Arena Grand Master boosting rewards:

  1. 13 wins at Gurubashi Arena.
  2. Completion of Arena Grandmaster quest.
  3. Heirloom trinket — Defending Champion.
  4. Gurubashi Arena Master achievement.
  5. Gurubashi Arena Grand Master achievement.

Boost takes: ~3 days.

Before you buy Gurubashi Arena boost, please make sure to take a quick look at the basic requirements for this service.


  • level 50+;
  • no specific gear is required;
  • active game subscription;
  • this service is for retail WoW.

Buy Arena Grand Master trinket and get this tedious task done quickly, and without having to stress about being good at PvP or the correct time of the day when the chest spawns.

Retail WoW Gurubashi Arena Timer

Gurubashi Arena is operating on a strict timer. An NPC called Short John Mithril moves to the center of the Gurubashi arena every 3 hours.

Gurubashi Chest Respawn Timetable:

Before Noon


12 AM

12 PM

3 AM

3 PM

6 AM

6 PM

9 AM

9 PM

This NPC places the Arena Treasure Chest as a signal to start the battle. The first player to loot the chest wins the battle. If you don’t want to waste your time by keeping up with this timer or aren’t eager to participate in PvP for an opportunity to nab this chest, then our Gurubashi boost is exactly what you are looking for.

Buy Gurubashi Arena Master achievement, relax, and enjoy your service, as our professional players will farm all 13 Gurubashi wins for you. Our players will track arena chest spawn and win fights to ensure that you get all required wins within the shortest time possible.

If you have any questions about buying Gurubashi Arena boost or want to add something extra to your order, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our customer service team is available 24 hours a day, and we are always ready to assist! You can contact us via Discord, Skype, or live chat right here on the website. Expand your achievement collection today with Boosthive!

Gurubashi Arena Grand Master