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Apex Legends Leveling

Leveling in Apex Legends usually refers to the process of earning experience or XP for short, in order to increase the overall level of the player's account. The higher Apex account level player achieves the more rewards one can yield from the game. The rewards for leveling are usually fixed and consist of crafting materials, Legend Tokens, and Apex Packs.

How to Gain Experience in Apex Legends

To farm EXP in Apex legends players have to complete the experience-based tasks that vary from winning the matches to making some special actions like “first kill of the day”. Completion of all daily tasks will reward players with the largest amount of XP points and therefore increase new account levels and rewards.

Experience gaming activities in Apex Legends:

  • winning and participating in the matches;
  • fInishing the matches in the top-5 performing players;
  • lethal blows (kills) & assists performed during the match;
  • reviving an ally and other support actions;
  • killing of the champion/leader.

There are some other activities that can actually boost the amount of experience earned by players. For example, playing Apex with friends can increase the experience rate by up to 10%. But this is not the only exp boosting activity. 

XP Boosts and Apex Legends Battle Pass

Apart from the “friendly” increase of the gained experience, there are also some premium ways to boost your experience in Apex Legends. These are called Battle Pass XP Boosts and can only be obtained via the purchase of a Premium Battle Pass reward or as a special events reward.

There EXP rewards can stack up to 300% for every player in the party and are only reset at the end of the season. Such boosters can come in very handy for those players who value their time and still want to rip the most awesome rewards from every level. Speaking of rewards.

Apex Legends Leveling Rewards

Rewards for leveling in Apex Legends are pretty straightforward. Every time a player gains a new level rewards is being given out.

All level rewards usually comprise the following 3 types of items.

  1. 600+ Legends Tokens.
  2. Crafting Metals.
  3. Apex Packs.

There is a total of 199 Apex Packs that are available for the taking for free through levels 1-500. After reaching the Apex level cap (level 500) players will still be able to earn up to 600 Legends Tokens for every 18,000 experience.

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