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Best Diablo 4 Builds

The Diablo series is known for its flexible character building, which makes repeated playthroughs and different activities fun and fresh even on the same character. Here we have prepared a list of the best Diablo 4 builds for two of the most popular activities in the game – Leveling and Endgame. Each activity is divided by class, so you can easily navigate to your desired playstyle. Let’s begin!

Best Leveling Builds in D4

Leveling is a lengthy process that might take a huge chunk of your time. While some might think that building your character before the end game is redundant, having a good build for leveling can considerably speed everything up.


Twisting Blades Build: This build is great for taking on large packs of enemies thanks to Twisting Blades and Shadow Imbuement abilities. It also has great team utility by making enemies weaker thanks to the vulnerable status effect.



Fast leveling

Requires situational awareness and constant positioning

Massive AoE damage

Boring single-target gameplay

Great burst damage

Low survivability

Amazing mobility


Desirable in groups thanks to constant Vulnerable status uptime


The entire point of this build is to activate Shadow Imbuement and combine it with Twisting Blades to start a massive chain reaction, killing huge packs of mobs nearly immediately. Your ideal rotation would look like this:

  1. Shadow Imbuement right before combat and then on cooldown.
  2. Shadow Clone on cooldown.
  3. Twisting Blades combined with Shadow Imbumenet. Try to attack low HP mobs to set off the chain reaction faster.
  4. Dash to position yourself for more Twisting Blades.
  5. Shadow Step for more positioning and breaking from CC.
  6. Puncture to generate energy and upkeep Vulnerable.

Active Skills

Passive Skills

  • Puncture: 1/5
  • Twisting Blades: 5/5
  • Shadow Step: 1/5
  • Dash: 1/5
  • Shadow Imbuement: 5/5
  • Shadow Clone: 1/1
  • Sturdy: 3/3;
  • Siphoning Strikes: 3/3;
  • Weapon Mastery: 3/3;
  • Concussive: 3/3
  • Trick Attacks: 1/3
  • Exploit: 3/3
  • Malice: 3/3
  • Shadow Crash: 1/3
  • Consuming Shadows: 3/3
  • Innervation: 3/3;
  • Aftermath: 1/3;
  • Adrenaline Rush: 1/3
  • Haste: 3/3
  • Momentum: 1/1


Chain Lightning Build: With this build, you will be able to dish out incredible damage, but at the same time, it is very RNG-reliant, which can be a downside for some players. It is great for both leveling and endgame at the same time if you can get around its random nature.



Excels in both AoE and single-target damage

Extremely RNG in both AoE and single-target

Massive Crit chance

Needs constant cooldown management

Amazing mobility

Needs a ton of mana management in the early game

Low Shock-spells cooldown


Incredible burst damage


Simple rotation


The goal of this build is to gain a ton of extra Crit chance by stacking Spark with Coursing Currents and blinking into packs to spam Frost Nova and Chain Lightning. The rotation for this build looks like this:

  1. Spark at the start of the combat and spam it to build up Crit chance.
  2. Chain Lightning on cooldown, preferably near massive packs of enemies.
  3. Frost Nova on the same massive packs of enemies, also on cooldown.
  4. Teleport use it to reposition yourself and gain more advantageous attacking positions.
  5. Unstable Currents use this on cooldown near big packs as well.

Active Skills

Passive Skills

  • Spark: 1/5
  • Chain Lightning: 5/5
  • Teleport: 1/5
  • Frost Nova: 1/5
  • Ice Armor: 1/5
  • Unstable Currents: 1/1
  • Glass Cannon: 3/3
  • Elemental Attunement: 1/3
  • Static Discharge: 3/3
  • Invigorating Conduit: 3/3
  • Overflowing Energy: 1/1
  • Inner Flames: 1/3
  • Devouring Blaze: 3/3
  • Coursing Currents: 3/3
  • Align the Elements: 1/3
  • Protection: 3/3
  • Precision Magic: 3/3
  • Permafrost: 1/3
  • Hoarfrost: 3/3


Corpse Explosion Build: This build is awesome for both single-target and AoE damage, boating amazing crowd control as well. Make your minions do the dirty work while you destroy all of your enemies without hardly even needing to move at all.



Amazing for farming bosses

Requires minion management to keep them alive

Great combo potential


Practically no cooldown downtime


Unique and fun playstyle


The goal of this build is to curse every enemy with Decrepify, create big pulls with Corpse Tendrils, and then mix in Golem’s Slam and Corpse Explosions while buffing your minions with a Blight Pool and Raise Skeleton abilities. The rotation for this build looks like this:

  1. Decrepify has to be constantly kept up for minion buffs.
  2. Blight for getting enemy aggro and creating corpses, not needed otherwise.
  3. Corpse Tendrils as soon as you have a corpse.
  4. Golem to use slam for massive damage.
  5. Corpse Explosion on cooldown, this is your main offensive ability with this build.
  6. Raise Skeleton has to be kept up as much as possible.

Active Skills

Passive Skills

  • Blight: 1/5
  • Corpse Explosion: 5/5
  • Decrepify: 1/5
  • Corpse Tendrils: 1/5
  • Golem: 1/1
  • Raise Skeleton: 1/1
  • Blood Mist: 1/5
  • Hewed Flesh: 3/3
  • Skeletal Warrior Mastery: 3/3
  • Grim Harvest: 1/3
  • Fueled by Death: 3/3
  • Death’s Embrace: 3/3
  • Amplify Damage: 3/3
  • Skeletal Mage Mastery: 3/3
  • Reaper’s Pursuit: 1/3
  • Gloom: 3/3
  • Terror: 3/3
  • Golem Mastery: 3/3
  • Inspiring Leader: 3/3
  • Bonded in Essense: 1/3
  • Death’s Defense: 3/3
  • Hellbent Commander: 3/3
  • Shadowblight: 1/1


Pulverize Build: While not initially impressive, Pulverize Druid packs a lot of punch and can take on pretty much any content. Stick with it for a while and you will see just how much potential this build has for yourself. Incredible survivability only adds to the value of this truly awesome Druid build.



Great AoE and single-target damage

Takes a while to ramp up

Exceptional survivability

Requires spirit management

Decent mobility with Trample

Requires some niche gear to uncover its full potential

Fun gameplay


Various debuffs and synergies


The gameplay of this build centers around using Overpower to your maximum benefit. The rotation for this build looks like this:

  1. Trample to close distance with enemies and start the fight.
  2. Storm Strike to keep a steady supply of Spirit.
  3. Pulverize against both packs and single opponents. Make sure to time Overpowers correctly.
  4. Poison Creeper for crowd control and quick AoE kills.
  5. Earthen Bulwark when you are crowded by enemies.
  6. Grizzly Rage on cooldown.

Active Skills

Passive Skills

  • Storm Strike: 1/5
  • Pulverize: 5/5
  • Earthen Bulwark: 1/5
  • Poison Creeper: 5/5
  • Trample: 5/5
  • Grizzly Rage: 1/1
  • Predatory Instinct: 3/3
  • Iron Fur: 3/3
  • Ancestral Fortitude: 2/3
  • Neurotoxin: 1/3
  • Envenom: 3/3
  • Crushing Earth: 3/3
  • Quickshift: 3/3
  • Defensive Posture: 3/3
  • Defiance: 3/3
  • Natural Disaster: 3/3
  • Ursine Strength: 1/1


Rend Rupture Build: While this build doesn’t start off great, it has a great potential to become unstoppable after just a short time (about 25 levels in). While it becomes insanely powerful a bit later on, it is still a lot of fun even prior to that.



Great survivability

Low mobility

Amazing for killing bosses and elites

Average AoE

Scales into the endgame exceptionally well

Cooldown dependant

The main gameplay aspect of this build is to stack bleed on enemies with vulnerability and maintain it by spamming Rend. With the correct usage of cooldowns, you will be able to melt through elites without much effort. The rotation for this build looks like so:

  1. Lunging Strike to generate fury.
  2. Rend as your main damage dealer.
  3. Rupture for some juicy burst damage.
  4. War Cry on cooldown for damage increase.
  5. Call of the Ancients if you are fighting against elite enemies.
  6. Rallying Cry on cooldown.

Active Skills

Passive Skills

  • Lunging Strike: 1/5
  • Rend: 5/5
  • Rallying Cry: 5/5
  • War Cry: 1/5
  • Rupture: 5/5
  • Call of the Ancient: 1/1
  • Hamstring: 1/3
  • Booming Voice: 3/3
  • Pit Fighter: 3/3
  • Guttural Yell: 3/3
  • Raid Leader: 3/3
  • Gushing Wounds: 1/1
  • Tempered Fury: 1/3
  • Invigorating Fury: 3/3
  • Cut to the Bone: 3/3
  • Aggressive Resistance: 1/3
  • Prolific Fury 3/3
  • Pressure Point: 3/3

With these builds you will be ready to level as quickly as possible and journey through the world of Sanctuary at your own pace!

Best Endgame Builds in Diablo IV / Best Solo Uber Builds

Endgame in Diablo 4 is what it is all about. This is where most players will spend most of their gameplay time and what they strive to improve at. In this Diablo 4 best class builds list we will discuss those builds that excel at endgame and have the potential to take on the hardest content in the game without the help from a group. In other words – Best solo Uber Builds.


Rapid Fire Build: This build is awesome for its mobility and sheer speed with which you can spread devastation amongst enemy ranks. It is also great for survivability thanks to the Dark Shroud and can be used to take on some of the hardest challenges this game has to offer.



Easy gameplay

Vulnerable when ramping up

Excels at both single-target and AoE

Lack of melee

Good Survivability


Satisfying gameplay


Amazing both solo and with a team


Stat Priority for this build is as follows:

  1. Dexterity
  2. Intelligence
  3. Strength
  4. Willpower

The gameplay for this build will look like this: Get 3 combo points, then use Imbuement and start mowing enemies like it's nothing. And to finish everything, use your Ultimate to kill off any surviving demons. The rotation for this build looks something like this:

  1. Dark Shroud on cooldown for extra survivability.
  2. Shadow Imbuement right before your Rapid Fire and Rain of Arrows.
  3. Forceful Arrow to generate Combo Points.
  4. Rapid Fire is your main damage dealer. Use it at 3 Combo Points on cooldown.
  5. Dash to move around.
  6. Rain of Arrows for massive AoE damage.

Active Skills

Passive Skills

  • Forceful Arrow: 5/5
  • Rapid Fire: 5/5
  • Dash: 1/5
  • Dark Shroud: 5/5
  • Shadow Imbuement: 5/5
  • Rain of Arrows: 1/1
  • Sturdy: 3/3
  • Siphoning Strikes: 3/3
  • Weapon Mastery: 3/3
  • Concussive: 3/3
  • Exploit: 1/3
  • Malice: 3/3
  • Shadow Crash: 1/3
  • Consuming Shadows: 3/3
  • Precision Imbuement: 3/3
  • Adrenaline Rush: 1/3
  • Victimize: 1/1


Ball Lightning Build: With this sorcerer build you will be able to take on Uber Lilith on your own! It is extremely powerful, and in the right hands can be absolutely destructive against all Sanctuary demons.



Amazing mobility

Requires some time to ramp up

Massive sustained damage

Requires mana management

Great survivability

Requires cooldown management

Amazing AoE and single-target performance

Not viable for leveling

Stat Priority for this build is:

  1. Intelligence
  2. Dexterity
  3. Willpower
  4. Strength

The focus of this build lies in constantly using and playing into Ball Lightning, as the name implies. The rotation for this build is this:

  1. Ball Lightning in conjunction with Gravitational Aspect. This aspect is vital for this build, as it allows lightning to orbit around your character.
  2. Teleport to use gaps between you and enemies. It is also great for getting a constant Shimmering Teleport buff.
  3. Ice Blades for cold elemental damage.
  4. Flame Shield is used as your primary defensive ability.
  5. Ice Armor if more survivability is needed.
  6. Unstable Currents to keep spamming Ball Lightning without running out of mana.

Active Skills

Passive Skills

  • Ice Blades: 1/5
  • Teleport: 4/5
  • Flame Shield: 1/5
  • Ice Armor: 1/5
  • Ball Lightning: 5/5
  • Unstable Currents: 1/1
  • Devastation: 1/3
  • Elemental Dominance: 3/3
  • Potent Warding: 3/3
  • Static Discharge: 1/3
  • Invigorating Conduit: 3/3
  • Vyr’s Mastery: 1/1
  • Precision Magic: 3/3
  • Coursing Currents: 1/3
  • Electrocution: 1/3
  • Glass Cannon: 3/3
  • Align the Elements: 1/3
  • Protection: 3/3
  • Mana Shield: 3/3
  • Elemental Attunement: 1/3


Bone Spear Build: This is one of the builds in the game, not just for Necromancers, but in general. You will be able to take on some of the toughest challenges Sanctuary has to offer without having to request any help from other players.



Astonishingly high damage

Low mobility

Amazing crowd control

Requires good positioning to be effective

Destroys both bosses and elites

Depends on Critical Strike chance

Exceptional survivability


Easy to play


Stat priority for this build is:

  1. Vulnerable (230%+).
  2. Critical Strike Chance (45%+).
  3. Maximum Essense (150+).
  4. Intelligence (800+).

The focus on this build shifts away from minions to provide the highest possible damage with Bone Spear. The rotation for this build would go something like this:

  1. Corpse Tendrils to maintain critical strike chance.
  2. Bone Storm to apply damage reduction and critical strike chance.
  3. Corpse Explosion for buffs.
  4. Bone Spear to dish out enormous damage upon your enemies.

Active Skills

Passive Skills

  • Bone Splinters: 1/5
  • Bone Spear: 13/5
  • Blood Mist: 1/5
  • Bone Storm: 1/1
  • Corpse Explosion: 1/5
  • Corpse Tendrils: 1/5
  • Hewed Flesh: 3/3
  • Unliving Energy: 3/3
  • Imperfectly Balanced: 3/3
  • Grim Harvest: 3/3
  • Fueled by Death: 3/3
  • Death’s Reach: 3/3
  • Serration: 3/3
  • Evulsion: 3/3
  • Compound Fracture: 3/3
  • Reaper’s Pursuit: 3/3
  • Ossified Essense: 3/3


Storm Claw Build: With this build, you will become practically invulnerable to most of the enemies in the game. It might just have the best survivability in the entire game! While it might not have the highest damage in the game, it still has enough to deal with demons in a reasonable amount of time. Woohoo! You've also found a special promo-code. Use BLOG7 to get 7% OFF on your first boosting service!

Storm Claw build stat priority looks like this:

  1. Willpower
  2. Dexterity
  3. Intellect
  4. Strength

Because of the Symbiotic Aspect, it would be best to think of your skills in terms of their priority, instead of strictly as a rotation. That being said, your skill priority as a Storm Claw Druid is:

  1. Claw on cooldown to proc Nature’s Fury.
  2. Earthen Bulwark on cooldown for survivability.
  3. Poison Creeper on packs of enemies with a ton of health.
  4. Hurricane on cooldown.
  5. Petrify against bosses, elite enemies, or tanky enemies in general.

Active Skills

Passive Skills

  • Claw: 5/5
  • Earthen Bulwark: 5/5
  • Poison Creeper: 1/5
  • Hurricane: 1/5
  • Petrify: 1/1
  • Cyclone Armor: 1/5
  • Nature’s Fury: 1/1
  • Predatory Instinct: 3/3
  • Digitigrade Gait: 3/3
  • Ancestral Fortitude: 2/3
  • Vigilance: 3/3
  • Neurotoxin: 1/3
  • Toxic Claws: 1/3
  • Envenom: 3/3
  • Defiance: 1/3
  • Natural Disaster: 1/3
  • Resonance: 3/3
  • Quickshift: 1/3
  • Heightened Senses: 3/3


Hammer of the Ancients Build: While not amazing at a single target, this build can dish out enormous damage and clear content extremely quickly. It is highly mobile and fun to play, so every fan of speedy playstyles will feel right at home with this build.



Extremely high mobility

Can struggle to generate Fury in single-target scenarios

Great clear speed

Survivability goes down on small packs

Fun to play


Amazing crowd control


Room for customization


For this build, the stat priority is as follows:

  1. Strength
  2. Willpower
  3. Dexterity
  4. Intelligence

The gameplay for this build is extremely simple. In actual fact, you can clear most World Tier 4 open-world monsters by just spamming Leap and Hammer of Ancients. Nevertheless, let’s take a look at the full rotation.

  1. Leap in at least two or more enemies. It is ideal to chain multiple Leaps in a row for Earthquake procs.
  2. Hammer of the Ancients once to buff yourself and prepare for the next Leap.
  3. Wrath of the Berserker for packs of demons that give you trouble.
  4. Ground Stomp is used to reset missed Leap and stun particularly dangerous demons.
  5. Iron Skin between groups of enemies to restore some health.
  6. Flay to get some Fury generation going.

Active Skills

Passive Skills

  • Flay: 1/5
  • Hammer of the Ancients: 5/5
  • Ground Stomp: 1/5
  • Iron Skin: 1/5
  • Leap: 5/5
  • Wrath of the Berserker: 1/1
  • Pressure Point: 3/3
  • Aggressive Resistance: 1/3
  • Battle Fervor: 3/3
  • Prolific Fury: 3/3
  • Pit Fighter: 1/3
  • No Mercy: 3/3
  • Hamstring: 1/3
  • Thick Skin: 1/3
  • Counteroffensive: 3/3
  • Wallop: 3/3
  • Concussion: 3/3
  • Tempered Fury: 3/3
  • Invigorating Fury: 3/3
  • Unbridled Rage: 1/1

And that wraps up the endgame portion of this Best Diablo 4 builds guide. If you liked any of the builds presented in this guide, you might want to check out our Diablo 4 best builds offers here at Boosthive!

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